Nokia 7380

7380 Have you ever looked for a phone to go with your leather Louis?  Well the Nokia 7380 is the new ipod nanoish cell phone for your night out in town. This GSM cell phone is a small sexy cell phone that is developed with metal and leather. It is an MP3 Player, FM radio, voice dialing, Bluetooth and a 2 Megapixal camera (with Flash). Oh yea, I did forget to mention it can also be used for video streaming and recording while only weighting at 2 ounces (size 4 1/2"L x 1 1/5"W x 4/5"D.)!!!

Where can you get this phone? Well one place you can get this phone is at Nieman Marcus for only $649!!! Is that too expensive? Well if you can afford the Louis, you can probably afford this cell phone. Gurranteed to catch a hot guy with this cell phone and getting his number.

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