Glowing Golfballs

130579696 5373f16658 mDon't waste your time looking for 'lost' golfballs--or your money buying new ones when you cannot locate them.  Buy a pair of these Visiball Golf Ball Finder Shades and lighten up your view of the game. 

Making a white ball stand out like it's glowing under a blacklight is a great advantage to your search.  Ambient colors get blocked out allowing you to see the "lost" golfball in full view. 

These glasses was voted Best New Product 2005 at the PGA Merchandise Show, proving the excellence of the use.  They come in a pair of full glasses or 'fit over lenses' for your glasses.  They also offer a 2-3 year replacement guarantee for a small fee.

This pair comes with a handy case that attaches to your golf bag to avoid accidental loss and an automatic 90-day warranty.

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