VoIP Smart Box

With this VoIP smart box, you can make real time calls to anyone using your regular phone to chat and your existing PC instant chat software.  Boasting crystal clear sound and a revolutionary idea, this little box could make the ease of VoIP pay off for you.  Save on long distance and call your friends or clients!

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No need for a separate microphone or speaker, easily installed, and it claims to get rid of the echo effect that you sometimes get while chatting using only your PC. (due to the sound leaving your speakers and entering your microphone)  No extra software is required to use this smart box.  Just plug it to your phone and PC and VoIP is ready to go.

Do you have overseas clients that you speak with using VoIP software?  Are you an avid chatter with friends you'd like to keep up with using VoIP?  Then this is definitely for you.  At such a low price, you can have one for each location.

Skype has a branded VoIP Box
For another option, not branded, choose one of these.

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