Project DU Blog Feed
Project DU is a network of top blogs designed to inform you and entertain you. The network includes 30 blogs to bring you the ...Storm Trooper Disc Hub
With all the Star Wars related news, we wanted to jump on the bandwagon and introduce you to the Storm Trooper Disc Hub. The Disc ...Zen Micro Travel Dock
It's nice to see that Creative is not staying behind in the accessories department that iPod has overtaken. Creative Labs released the Traveldock that allows ...Vodaphone Costumes Covers
Vodaphone K.K announced that it plans to offer two new handsets that allows customers to change the appearance with interchangeable covers. The phones are the ...I Knight thee, Sir iPod Lancelot!
You ever wonder when these iPod cozies will either seize to exsist, or when the first iPod Accessory Museum will open? The medieval cozy seen ...Reader Says: I love my Camo bag!
This was sent to us from a reader: I love going to Starbucks every so often with my laptop and I'm glad to see there ...Tsaya Thigh-Holster for Cell
We found this intriguing new way of carrying your cell phone. Here is something we haven't seen before. The Tsaya is a cell phone holster ...StyleFi Audio Systems
If you are updating your home electronics to reflect a more sophisticated appearance, while making sure they interact with your iPod, then keep an eye ...Lipstick shaped mp3 player
Not only can you add this mp3 player to your 'red gadget' collection, but you can also match your lipstick. Not sure why it ...Red Nintendo DS
Japan will be the first to provide it gamers this 'oh so bright red' Nintendo DS on August 8th. The family of DS already includes ...