Gadgets For a Healthy Kitchen

PinkmixWhen we talk and think about gadgets, the last thing that comes to mind is a food chopper or a mixer. Could that have anything to do with the fact that you spending more time in your office than the kitchen? Perhaps, but when Summer rolls around and you look down to notice the not-so-cute love handles getting bigger, you know it's time to start cooking at home again. WebMD's Elaine Magee gives us a great list of the top gadgets you need in your kitchen. I wish she would've included some pictures, because I have no idea what some of those kitchen gadgets look like (Zester, anyone?). Maybe now you'll be motivated to download some yummy recipes from Epicurious. Check out Gabrielle Reece's kitchen tour video too. Via That's Fit


  1. Marianne 14 June, 2007 at 06:31

    A Zester is a device for scrapping of lemon or other citrus rind from its skin. It has one or more round metal openings on top instead of a knife’s blade and is the size of a small kitchen knife.

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