
3 Organizational Questions Every Small Business Owner Must Answer

Can Scheduling Software and Cloud Storage Really Have an Impact on Your Company? Find Out!

Small business owners face countless challenges in launching their company. One of the biggest? Small business owners have to make decisions about how to organize the day-to-day operations of their business that will affect all of the work their team completes moving forward. 

Choosing the right strategies and tools to keep your business on track is no easy feat. That’s why we’ve put together this handy list of 3 questions every business owner should ask themselves when making decisions about how to keep their company organized:

  • How will I handle scheduling my employees?
  • How will I store my company’s organizational information?
  • How will I communicate effectively inside and outside of my team?


Your employees keep your business running, so get their schedules organized and updated should be at the top of your priority list.

Question 1: How will I handle scheduling my employees?

This is perhaps the most fundamental question, particularly for businesses that don’t operate on a strictly 9-to-5 basis. For clothing stores, restaurants, and countless other businesses, scheduling your employees is a major concern. Should you go old school and hang a schedule on the wall? Do you really need a dedicated scheduling software?

It’s not hard to guess that scheduling software offers many advantages over traditional scheduling methods (ie, that piece of printer paper). Scheduling software gives you and your employees access to scheduling features like:

  • Smartphone compatible apps to keep everyone in the loop
  • Facial recognition to ensure the right people clock in at the right time
  • Integration with other organizational software you use


It’s important to have a plan in place that allows you to organize and share your company’s internal documents.

Question 2: How will I store my company’s organizational information?

An important factor to consider when deciding where and how to store your company’s internal documents is access. Who can access what files? How is that access controlled? Rather than printing out an employee handbook for every member of your team or sending countless emails every time a document is updated, consider choosing a cloud storage solution.


Cloud storage makes it easy to grant and restrict file access, plus it allows you to ensure your employees always have the most recent version of internal documents on hand.


Mass emailing software makes communicating with your team and others a breeze.

Question 3: How will I communicate effectively inside and outside of my team?

Email was a revolutionary invention, but mass email and mail merge software changed the way we use email forever. If you anticipate needing to send large batches of personalized emails -- messages to customers, employees, investors, etc. -- investing in a mail merge software is a must.


Organizing your small business is much easier when you have the right tools and strategies in place.

Organizing a small business is no small task. There are countless questions to be asked and decisions to be made before your company’s launch. We hope that these suggestions make that process a little bit easier!