Serviced Lamborghini irks earth loving folks

Since we're on the topic of going green at this point in time, how about pointing out the excesses of the world's super rich? First of all, you've got to be someone in society in order to afford a Lamborghini, but flaunting that wealth while causing a huge carbon crater in the earth? Trust a sheik from an oil-rich country to do just that. This guy has actually decided to fly in his Lamborghini all the way to the UK in a round trip (that's roughly 6,500 miles and $39,000 in freight charges) so that his exotic beast is serviced at the Lamborghini center for  $7,030.47. I wonder just how many more holes were opened up in the ozone during this trip, no thanks to this person's lack of sense (and not cents).

Source: Wired

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