Vibro Shape Belt

Going to the gym is often a great challenge to many people, as it not only takes time and money, but one of the most important qualities involved is discipline. Without discipline, I can safely say that nothing gets done in life, even blogging on a regular basis. Still, there are some of us who hope that without going to the gym and hitting the treadmill, we will be able to shed off the excess weight on our body. The Vibro Shape belt claims that it does so while you get to enjoy sitting on a couch, as it touts to be able to "melt the fat right off you" with a serious and intensive session of vibrating. Well, I suppose if you aren't a gym rat and yet want to feel better knowing that you get your regular "workout" from the comfort of the living room, then the Vibro Shape Belt will set you back by a mere $27.19.

Source: Coolest Gadgets

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