Park Your Tush on One of These


Summer may be coming to an end for those of you heading back to school, but the rest of us still have a few more weeks to chill out by the pool sipping margaritas while reading a good book--by good I don't mean Harry Potter. Doesn't that sound delicious? I wish I wasn't such a cheapskate, otherwise I'd be placing an order for one of these loungers. Design Public has these awesome Outdoor FatBoy chairs that look like oversized bean bags for grown-ups (maybe it's just the girl). The coated-nylon chair is 55 inches by 75 so you can either sleep on it or prop it up when you feel like lounging around. Two straps are attached to each side so you can drag it outside and since it's UV treated you don't even have to worry about sun damage. If you got money to burn, then the $349 price tag shouldn't be an issue. Lucky dog;) via Gadget Candy

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