Armed in Pink For The Fight

YahoobanYes, you are seeing Techie Diva all covered in pink gadgets to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness month. We will continue our pink gadget coverage all day, so rejoice, pink gear lovers.

Yahoo! readers can help the Komen foundation by turning their Yahoo! homepage pink today. Yahoo will contribute $1 for each user who does this. Click on the ribbon page options, and go pink. Mine is so pink, I'm already overdosing. Oh well, its for the fight against a disease that claims so many women's lives. A dear friend of mine was the victim of this horrible disease, and passed away two years ago. In June's honor, Techie Diva and myself will support this cause relentlessly every year.

P.S. New visitors, our site is normally NOT this pink, but today we are over-indulging in pink gear for the cause. Tomorrow we will return to our regularly scheduled color-unbiased programming.

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