You Go, Girl Gadgeteer

Cnet Lesslie Katz and Erica Ogg from CNet wrote a story on "You go, Girl Gadgeteer". Thanks for the mention CNet!

According to the article: "Out of $107.2 billion spent on consumer-electronics technology in 2005, men accounted for 54 percent, or $57.9 billion worth, of those purchases, and women took care of 46 percent, or $49.3 billion, according to market research firm The NPD Group. That's an 18 percent increase in spending by females compared with the previous year, when women rang up $41.9 billion in gadget purchases. Men spent about the same amount in 2004 as they did in 2005." Wow! I believe this because I spend more money on gadgets than clothes, purses, makeup or other girly stuff these days, as compared to my spending habits before 2005.

Quick Poll: What gadgets do you carry around in your purse?  Like I told Leslie, I have a Treo 650 (and a RAZR), bluetooth headset, a Sony DSC-T30 (for videoblogging), an iPod nano (and video), and an iPod Belkin microphone (to record memos).  Sometimes I carry my Nintendo DS Lite, but I hate weighing down the purse. So what's in your "wallet"?


  1. Laura 15 July, 2006 at 11:07

    I carry a big sort of messenger type bag with my 12″ Macbook, power cord, Razr, Ipod Video, Jabra bluetooth headset, earphones, car/ac adaoter for Ipod, USB cord, Cannon POwershot and Charger, lipgloss, a franklin planner, my wallet and a flashdrive.. I love my gadgets and I agree its a one stop for a thief but he would have to put up a big fight to get MY bag! ha

  2. Denise 12 July, 2006 at 10:10

    Treo 650; Palm Life drive; kodak v570; Motorola bluetooth headset 850; Ipod 60gb video; sennheiser sport headphones; cellboost chargers for the ipod and for the treo and life drive; tekkeon my talker.

    You know, we’re the purse snatchers one stop for Christmas shopping. lets keep those purses zipped and close at hand

  3. Rene 11 July, 2006 at 11:36

    Alas, besides a regular cell phone, just my Canon Powershot SD500…I’m working on more gadgets!

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