Sardine Can Survival Kit

With spring and summer upon us it's time to drag out the survival items and get outside.  Camping, hiking, kayaking, fishing and other outdoor hobbies will consume many of us.  One thing you cannot forget is the gear to keep you safe in an emergency.

One small item recommended to keep in your backpack is the Survival Kit in a Sardine Can.  It is watertight, floats and includes one each of the following items:

  • Acetaminophen
  • adhesive bandage157255300 372b11822e m
  • alcohol prep
  • antibiotic ointment
  • book matches
  • tea bag
  • chewing gum
  • sugar
  • salt packet
  • energy nugget,
  • duct tape
  • fire starter cube
  • wire clip
  • first aid instructions
  • fish hook and line
  • note paper
  • pencil
  • razor blade
  • safety pin
  • whistle
  • compass
  • reflective signal surface
  • waterproof bag

You can't go wrong while adding this to your collection of needs before an outing.  It's compact and lightweight and could go anywhere with you.  They claim you can also use it to drink out of, cook in or even bail water in extreme situations.  Hopefully you'll never need it for the latter.


1 comment

  1. C Underwood 12 June, 2006 at 19:15

    So if you open it you can’t reseal it like a regular first aid kit. It just seems wasteful to only need one item out of it and then probably end up loosing all the other items afterward. Then you have to buy a new one, or is that the whole idea?

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