RAZR's Skin Tight

RazrskinThe problem with gadgets coming in these thin sleek designs is the fear of getting them scratched. Take for example the iPod. There are more protective cases for this music player saturating the market, than any other gadget in existence. The iPod Nano came out and after people realized how easy it was to put a scratch on its smooth sleek surface, iPod Nano cases flew off the shelf. I have a Nano I use for the gym, but after I use it, it goes straight to the dock because I am terrified of scratches. My Photo iPod (or just iPod now) has more scratches on it than my cat's scratching post just from being inside my purse. What gives?  So my semi-new RAZR concerns me, being that I already dropped it twice on a hard concrete floor. Nothing happened to it, but it bothers me when my gadgets pay for my carelessness. Speck Products have these new RAZR cases made of rubber or plastic to protect the RAZR. But honestly, what's the point of having thin gadgets, if we have to cover them with bulky rubberized skins. Ah! Dilemmas.


  1. jbelkin 9 April, 2006 at 21:52

    ipod protection yes – phone, who cares? I’m gonna replace it in a year or two – as long as it doesn’t break when I drop it – phone lifespan is so much shorter.

  2. BigBerries 7 April, 2006 at 17:11

    Quick Sprint GPS Info From CTIA

    Since were skinning might as well include, Techie Divas recent post. Which brings up an interesting point.

  3. The Bay Area Is Talking 7 April, 2006 at 16:38

    Razor Thin

    Techie Diva’s brings up a relevant point about our most used devices, cell phones, iPods etc…With each device we buy the risk of scratching it is extremely high, so what can we do about it? I own a razor flip…

  4. yash 7 April, 2006 at 14:07

    that is exactly what i think. I`m never going to buy those cheap “rubbery skins” I want my gadget to look and feel the way the manufacturer wanted it to. Althoug its a shame it wont stay that way for too long…

  5. Rose 7 April, 2006 at 08:50

    Yea.. but at the same time.. not to mean or anything… I love gadgets!
    But hun.. um.. you should have thought of that before buying it.. seriously girl..
    I don’t wanna sound harsh or anything, but come on you thought something so small with a texture and materials it was made of was gonna last?
    When I buy, I consider things like.. battery life, function, durability, looks, etc. I just don’t buy things cuz they look cool, cuz I want my moneys worth.
    So people need to be more aware of what they are buying and make good decisions, and designers should think of the consumer as well. Yes capitalistic market blah blah but atleast they should have some heart, and sell things that are worth the money.

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