Male Bashing Bag

Mantarget_2Need to practice those self defense moves a little bit? Here's a nice inflatable punching bag with a male pictured on it. I wish it was in the likeness of a girl, because right about now I am feeling a little contemptuous against one of them.  Ok, so my Marine side is coming out a little bit... I guess I need to spend more time at the gym, or take some anger management classes.  The bag even has a few directions like "knee him here", or "kick him here!". The brutishness! Sorry guys, although you are not always on my nice list, this time you really are, and this bag seems a little aggressive. If you just broke up with a cheating boyfriend, this bag makes a perfect "must have'.  The bottom is weighted so you can kick it a few times.  Price: $24.95 at

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