International Blogging for Disaster Relief Day

Relief Our hearts and prayers are with everyone during this difficult time in the Gulf Coast. This week has been hell on earth for many of the refugees, and those still battling to come out alive from this historic tragedy. We want to remind everyone today to make an effort to contribute to this cause by giving to one of the many organizations who are out there doing the best they can. Keep America in your thoughts and prayers.

Today, Friday September 2, has been declared as International Blogging for Disaster Relief Day. The idea is to get bloggers around the world to post about something constructive related to disaster relief. 

So here are a few links I have come across:
Federal Emergency Management (FEMA)
American Red Cross
Salvation Army
World Emergency Relief
Katrina Help Wiki has a long list of organizations
Check Craigslist New Orleans and Houston ( they just added Baton Rouge, Mobile, Pensacola) for rideshares, housing, or volunteer jobs.
Live Blogging from New Orleans by Interdictor- first hand account of one man and his team still running a data center.
Emily Metzger -Columnist for Shreveport,LA is using her personal blog to convey the situation
Add a Red Cross Banner to your Blog as alternate to Google ads.
Google map site of conditions of flooding levels and other conditions

Feel free to express your thoughts or share links here. But please be positive, today is a day to come together. I will try to add more links later.

International Blogging for Disaster Relief Day

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