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Who will win the HP Contest?

Hello Guys,

We're still verifying and counting all entries. We got hundreds of entries, and we just want to make sure every single one is counted. We'll be announcing the winner shortly (we're aiming for 7pm PST) so stay tuned. In the meantime, enjoy these cool entries.

Here's Jenae's entry:


Here's Haasiegirl's entry:
Matt and Julie write:

I am entering your contest on behalf of the Los Angeles Childrens Hospital.  I am not a talented, witty, funny writer like all of you awesome bloggers.  I am just a stay at home mom who now knows what a 10 year old boy fighting cancer looks like.  My daughter is in 4th grade and in public school in Los Angeles.  This story is about a classmate of hers.  Last year, we moms heard about an "inner city" boy who missed an entire year of school because he was battling Luekemia.  This year, he is back in school and just happens to be in my daughter's class.  A few weeks ago, we were on a field trip to the Getty Museum and all of the children were asked to bring cameras with them.  I went along with our class and this boy was in my group.  He was clutching his digital camera like it was a priceless jewel.  When one of the other children in our group asked him about it, he proudly told us that he recieved it as a gift from the Childrens Hospital when he was getting treated.  After hearing his story, I started researching LA Childrens Hospital to find ways to help.  Each time a child has a check-up, an operation, or any type of procedure they are given a gift.  If I won your contest, I would give these wonderful prizes to the Hospital to make another child/family a little happier this Holiday Season.

 Christine writes:

If I am lucky enough to win, I would like to keep the HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook PC because I have been wanting a laptop for a long time.  The remainder of the prize package I would like to donate to St. Judes.  I think it would be helpful for the patients and their families to use while undergoing treatments and make their lives a little easier during that time.  The thing I love most about St. Judes is that "No child is ever turned away"; how wonderful is that.  Here is some information on this great organization .  Thank you for the wonderful contest and the whole idea behind it of giving to others.  Have a blessed holiday.


Brad writes:

Basically, I want to win so I can give the entire prize pack to my favorite charity, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Kids are there fighting for their life and could use a little fun and excitement with this prize.  St. Jude gives hope to kids of all ages and their families all year long.  My hope would be they could have a little fun and distraction from their illness with the equipment.  I know the prize would be put to excellent use by the kids of St. Jude.  St. Jude is the only pediatric cancer research center where families never pay for treatment not covered by insurance. No child is ever denied treatment because of the family's inability to pay.

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