Let me guess, you've always wanted to publish your very own book, but didn't know how to get started. As a matter of fact, this action item has been staring back at you from your "Thing I Must Do Before I Die" list. Believe me, it's been sitting on mine for a very long time along with learning how to play guitar, and meeting Brad Pitt . Although the last two are still in the works, publishing my very own book may happen sooner than I expected. Fate has introduced me to Blurb, a publishing software that allows anyone to create their very own hardcover or softcover book.
You can even turn your blog into a book if you wanted to --a feature still in the works. Simply download their free software, and publish your book when you're happy with your results. Publishing is pretty affordable, starting at $29.95. You can easily publish a cookbook, a poetry book, and a photo book of your favorite snapshots anytime you want. These guys are still Beta, so hurry up and get your book published, before everyone else finds out about it.
Heres another site you can use to turn your blog into a book.