Tyra Banks on Facebook and Twitter

I don't know if there's anything you can learn on the Tyra Banks show about Facebook or Twitter, but nevertheless,  she dedicated an entire show to the social media site and even offered some basic Facebook etiquette rules, including:

  1. Do not over-poke people, especially strangers
  2. Relationship status changes must be mutual
  3. Only tag photos of friend with their permission
  4. Do not write inappropriate stuff on your friend's walls
  5. Don't make friend requests of strangers!

I'm sure you all knew that already, but you'll be surprised at the number of people who disregard these "rules" especially the relationship status one.  I missed the show, but you can see facebook playable ads.

Tyra also dedicated a good portion of the show to Twitter obsession, and invited a married couple to talk about their Twitter problem. In the clip below, Ashley complains about her husband's need to Twitter everything they do, and he admits to coming close to losing his job because of it. I can see how that can be a bit of a problem. Tyra tries to compares Tony's addition to Twitter to a narc's need to use drugs, which doesn't make much sense, but it was funny to say the least. Check out the video below.


  1. Simeon 2 April, 2010 at 22:27

    Hello Sir,
    I do think that it is important that people recognize the true identity of the Almighty God. Is he really a Trinity? Is Jesus Christ the Almighty God? How would we explain the following scriptures? Kindly read all Scriptures mentioned below.

    1) John 17:1, 3 = Jesus was on earth praying to the Father in heaven. Hence, the Father (God) and Jesus (Son) were in different locations. Also, Jesus referred to the Father as the ONLY true God, which clearly means that the Father stands ALONE as God supreme. No one else, not even Jesus, is equal to God. Nor did Jesus ever claim to be God. Further, verse 3 mentions the Father and the Son as separate beings- “the only true God, and Jesus Christ…”

    2) Acts 3:15; 10:40= A dead person is totally unconscious (Eccleiastes 9:5, 10; Psalms 146:3, 4) Now Jesus was dead after he gave his life as a ransom. Acts 3:15 shows that God raised Jesus up from the dead. How can Jesus be God when God raised him from the dead? The simple truth is, God who was and is always alive, brought Jesus, who was dead for 3 days, back to life. Again we ask, could Jesus really be Almighty God?

    3) John 20:17= If Jesus is God, the Father, why did he say that he was ascending to the Father? Was Jesus going to himself? Or was he going to someone else, the Father, in a different location, heaven? (Matthew 6:9) Moreover, why does Jesus have a God if he himself is God? Was Mary Magdalene God too, since Jesus indicated that he had the same God as Mary Magdalene? If Jesus was God in the flesh, then are we saying that there are two Gods? i.e. Jesus being God on the earth, and the Father being God in heaven? Was Jesus misleading Mary Magdalene and us too who have the written gospels by his statement?

    4) 1 Corinthians 15:28= Why will Jesus subject himself to God after he accomplishes God’s will? Who did Christ subject himself to? Himself? Or to someone else, God? Would Christ have to subject himself to anyone if he himself is God ALMIGHTY? Can we ever imagine the ALMIGHTY, who was FIRST & ALWAYS in existence, being subject to anyone? Would He subject himself to someone He created? Does that make sense?

    NOTE John 17:3 CAREFULLY, highlighted above. That Scripture shows clearly that we must know the only true God and His Son to gain everlasting life. We must know them ACCURATELY. (1 Timothy 2:3, 4)

    These scriptures and many more plainly show that God and Jesus Christ are TWO separate individuals, NOT one person. God is ALMIGHTY, the MOST HIGH or HIGHEST, GREATEST. (Psalms 83:18) Jesus Christ is God’s SON, rightly called the “Son of the Highest.” (Luke 1:32; John 3:16) These are facts people need to know to worship God acceptably.

    Why not talk to one of “Jehovah’s Witnesses” when they come to your doors? Reason with them on this important subject and let them show you what the Bible really teaches. Yes, examine the Scriptures for YOURSELVES, as I have, the truth about God and other matters discussed in the Scriptures. ( Acts 17:11) DO NOT let prejudice or anyone prevent you from speaking with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Of course, you make your own choice as to whether or not you wish to accept what Jehovah’s Witnesses teach.
    Best regards,

  2. Berna 19 January, 2010 at 14:14

    I want to know where I can find a application form for ANTM? OR is there a website with all the details or how does it work? To be a model is a life long dream for me but I don’t have the money, experience or support. To be honest, nobody gives a shit! All I want is to show everyone that I’ve got what it takes. I want to show the world that I’ve got what it takes! Love and peace, Berna.

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